
Yuri Charko

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Dr. Yuri Charko, joined the team at Pivot Sports Medicine back in 2014. His academic background begins with a Bachelors in Physical Health and Education from the University of Toronto (BPHE). His interests in sports injuries led him to pursue a career as a chiropractor, attaining his degree from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) in 2009.

Yuri is also certified in Clinical Acupuncture with a foundation in Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as an Active Release Technique (ART®) provider (Spine, Upper Limb and Lower Limb modules). His passion in golf led him to become certified through the Titleist Performance Institute (Level I and Level II Medical) as a golf fitness instructor.

His use of functional movement screens and a biomechanical analysis during the assessment provides his patients with the opportunity to understand that the source of their pain and the cause of their pain are not always the same thing.

When away from the clinic, Yuri tries to get out on the golf course as much as possible mixed in with running, volleyball and cross training at the gym.

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