Registered Kinesiologist

Erika Labinowicz

Welcome to the Pivot Sport Journal. Just as when you visit our clinic, our online space is one of education, excellence and knowledge for our clients and our friends. We hope you come away each time with something new and inspired. 

Registered Kinesiologist

Erika has completed her Bachelors of Kinesiology at the University of Toronto and is now a Registered Kinesiologist with the College of Ontario (COKO). She brings her strong understanding of anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, exercise prescription and ethical standards to our team.

She is certified in pre and post natal coaching (CPPC) as well as progressing ballet techniques (PBT). Since 2011 she has been training individuals 1:1, instructing group classes ranging from metabolic conditioning, balance and stability and pelvic floor health. As of 2019 she has been the strength and conditioning coach for the Lakeshore Swim Club and has also been teaching Pivot Dancer classes!

Erika is passionate about teaching individuals fundamental and purposeful movement patterns that translate into strength, grace and ease in their everyday life. She believes in a holistic training approach and strives to create a safe, challenging and ultimately enjoyable experience.

Exercise physiology
Fitness and athletics
General nutritional counselling
Health promotion
Injury rehabilitation
Pain and chronic disease management
Progressive goal attainment program
Work conditioning and hardening

Click to book Erika here

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